Betting Entertainment Tools

Virtual Stadium

Types used in virtual stadium adapter and examples. You can find more information about adapter implementation here.

Type Definitions


# Bet

Bet data includes event details and associated markets.

Name Type Attributes Description
id string <required>

The unique identifier assigned to each bet.

event Adapter.types.Event <required>

Event data for each bet.

markets Array.<Market> Array.<Adapter.Types.VirtualStadium.Market> <required>

Markets for each bet.

odds Object
decimalValue number <required>

Numeric EU representation of odds (decimal number) displayed on market outcome.

displayValue string

String representation of odds displayed as is, meaning NO FORMATTING.

    "id": "sr:bet:122212",
    "event": {
        "id": "sr:event:98765",
        "name": "Heat VS Nuggets",
        "teams": [
                "id": "sr:team:113",
                "name": "Miami Heat"
                "id": "sr:team:118",
                "name": "Denver Nuggets"
    "markets": [
            "id": "sr:market:4321",
            "name": "Moneyline | 1st Quarter",
            "outcomes": [
                    "id": "sr:outcome:67898",
                    "name": "Denver Nuggets",
                    "odds": 2.55

# BetShareRequest

Arguments provided in bet share request.

Name Type Attributes Description
userId string

The unique identifier for current user.

events Array.<Event> Array.<Adapter.Types.VirtualStadium.Event>

An array of events attached to the current channel.

channelId string

The unique identifier for currently selected channel.

    "userId": "rick123",
    "channelId": "soccer-123456",
    "events": [
            "id": "113",
            "srEventId": "sr:match:113",
            "externalId": "24567"
            "id": "118",
            "srEventId": "sr:match:118",
            "externalId": "35678"

# BetSlip

Bet slip data enable users to share their selected bet slips with others in the chat.

Name Type Attributes Description
id string <required>

The unique identifier assigned to the bet slip.

betType string <required>

Bet slip type.

currency string <required>

The currency of the values in a bet slip.

combinedOdds Object <required>
decimalValue number <required>

Numeric EU representation of odds (decimal number) displayed on market outcome.

displayValue string

String representation of odds displayed as is, meaning NO FORMATTING.

stake Object
value string

The stake value.

payout Object
value string

The payout value.

cashOut Object
value string

The cash out value.

cashOutEnabled boolean

Indicator that specifies whether cash out functionality is enabled or not.

bets Array.<Bet> Array.<Adapter.Types.VirtualStadium.Bet> <required>

Bets include event details and associated markets.


Single Bet

Bet slip with single bet

    "id": "sr:bet-share:987654321",
    "betType": "Single Bet",
    "currency": "USD",
    "combinedOdds": {
        "decimalValue": 2.55,
        "displayValue": "2.55"
    "stake": {
        "value": "50.00"
    "payout": {
        "value": "127.50"
    "cashOut": {
        "value": "21.83"
    "bets": [
            "id": "sr:bet:122212",
            "event": {
                "id": "sr:event:98765",
                "name": "Heat VS Nuggets",
                "teams": [
                        "id": "sr:team:113",
                        "name": "Miami Heat"
                        "id": "sr:team:118",
                        "name": "Denver Nuggets"
            "markets": [
                    "id": "sr:market:4321",
                    "name": "Moneyline | 1st Quarter",
                    "outcomes": [
                            "id": "sr:outcome:67898",
                            "name": "Denver Nuggets",
                            "odds": 2.55

Multi Bet

Bet slip with multiple bets from different events

    "id": "sr:bet-share-event:987655321",
    "betType": "Multi Bet",
    "currency": "USD",
    "combinedOdds": {
        "decimalValue": 90,
        "displayValue": ""
    "stake": {
        "value": "10.30"
    "payout": {
        "value": "927.00"
    "cashOut": {
        "value": "308.83"
    "bets": [
            "id": "sr:bet:123312",
            "markets": [
                    "id": "sr:market:2244",
                    "name": "Which Team To Score",
                    "outcomes": [
                            "id": "sr:outcome:67898",
                            "name": "Both Teams",
                            "odds": 4.5
                    "id": "sr:market:3211",
                    "name": "Who Will Score | Nantes",
                    "outcomes": [
                            "id": "sr:outcome:77965",
                            "name": "Denis Petrić | 1st Half",
                            "odds": 8
            "event": {
                "id": "sr:event:98765",
                "teams": [
                        "id": "sr:team:123",
                        "name": "Nantes"
                        "id": "sr:team:321",
                        "name": "Nice"
            "id": "sr:bet:124412",
            "markets": [
                    "id": "sr:market:1234",
                    "name": "Moneyline | Full Time",
                    "outcomes": [
                            "id": "sr:outcome:56789",
                            "name": "Boston Celtics",
                            "odds": 2.5
            "event": {
                "id": "sr:event:56789",
                "name": "Cavaliers VS Celtics",
                "teams": [
                        "id": "sr:team:123",
                        "name": "Cleveland Cavaliers"
                        "id": "sr:team:321",
                        "name": "Boston Celtics"

# Event

Event data provides teams information within each bet.

Name Type Attributes Description
id string <required>

The unique identifier assigned to the event.

externalId string | number

Your unique identifier for the event.

name string

Match name. If this is not provided, match name will be aggregated from teams -> "{teams[0].name} vs {teams[1].name}". If teams are also empty, match name will be empty

teams Array.<Team> Array.<Adapter.Types.VirtualStadium.Team>

An array containing information about the teams participating in the event

    "id": "sr:event:98765",
    "externalId": "123456",
    "name": "Heat VS Nuggets",
    "teams": [
            "id": "sr:team:113",
            "name": "Miami Heat"
            "id": "sr:team:118",
            "name": "Denver Nuggets"

# Market

Market data is used to provide information for both the bet suggestion and the bet slip within the widget.

Name Type Attributes Description
id string | number <required>

The unique identifier of the the market.

name string <required>

The name of the market.

outcomes Array.<Outcome> Array.<Adapter.Types.VirtualStadium.Outcome> <required>

Outcome data provides information within each market.

status Object
isActive boolean

The status of the market indicates whether the market is currently active or not.
If the status is set to 'false', it signifies that the market is not available for betting.


Bet suggestion market

Market displayed in the bet suggestion dropdown with multiple outcomes

    "id": "sr:market:321",
    "name": "Moneyline",
    "outcomes": [
            "id": "sr:market:101",
            "name": "PSG",
            "odds": "1.48",
            "status": {
                "isActive": true
            "id": "sr:market:102",
            "name": "Draw",
            "odds": "4.83",
            "status": {
                "isActive": true
            "id": "sr:market:103",
            "name": "Monaco",
            "odds": "2.47",
            "status": {
                "isActive": true
    "status": {
        "isActive": true

Bet slip market

Market displayed in the bet slip with single outcome

    "id": "sr:market:421",
    "name": "Moneyline | 1st Quarter",
    "outcomes": [
            "id": "sr:outcome:67898",
            "name": "Denver Nuggets",
            "odds": 2.55

# Outcome

Outcome data provides information within each market.

Name Type Attributes Description
id string <required>

The unique identifier assigned to the market outcome.

name string <required>

The name of the market outcome.

odds number | string

String or number representation of odds displayed as is, meaning NO FORMATTING.

oddsDecimal number

Numeric EU representation of odds (decimal number) displayed on market outcome.

status Object
isActive boolean

The status of the outcome.
If the status is set to 'false', it signifies that the outcome is not available.

    "id": "sr:outcome:67898",
    "name": "Denver Nuggets",
    "oddsDecimal": 2.55,
    "status": {
        "isActive": true

# Team

Team data provides information about the teams participating in the event.

Name Type Attributes Description
id string

The unique sr identifier assigned to the team.

name string <required>

The name of the team.


# VSMatchEvent

Arguments provided in bet share request.

Name Type Attributes Description
type string <required>

The type of event.

metadata object

Additional data.

tag string

The tag of event.