Betting Entertainment Tools

Tournament Bet Insights

Tournament Bet Insights widget offers a blend of pre-match and live insights curated for specific tournaments.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
props object <required>
matchId number

Match ID.
One of matchId, tournamentId, uniqueTournamentId or seasonId is required.

tournamentId number

Tournament ID.
One of matchId, tournamentId, uniqueTournamentId or seasonId is required.

uniqueTournamentId number

Unique tournament ID.
One of matchId, tournamentId, uniqueTournamentId or seasonId is required.

seasonId number

Season ID.
One of matchId, tournamentId, uniqueTournamentId or seasonId is required.

widgetTitle string 'Tournament Bet Insights'

Name in the header and on the button.

widgetIcon string | false

URL for custom icon.
If set value to false, no icon will be displayed.
If no value is set, the default icon will be displayed.

integration 'inline' | 'button' 'inline'

When set to button, only button is visible at initial render.

isMobile boolean false

When set to true, opens pop-up on bottom edge of the viewport, stretched from left to right (only applicable with integration='button')

modalPosition 'left' | 'right' | 'bottom' 'left'

Set location of modal pop-up relative to button (only applicable with integration='button')

modalMaxHeight number | string

Set maximum height of card list. Allowed units: %, px, vh. When number (without units) is used, defaults to px (only applicable with integration='button' and cardsLayout='vertical')

cardsLayout 'horizontal' | 'vertical' 'horizontal'

Set how cards are displayed (only applicable with integration='button')

cardVariant 'default' | 'defaultIcon' | 'compact' | 'button' | 'buttonFooter' 'default'

Set the style of the card.

outcomeOrder 'top' | 'bottom' 'bottom'

Set the outcome display position (only applicable with cardVariant='compact', cardVariant='button' and cardVariant='buttonFooter').

outcomeButtonPosition 'top' | 'bottom' 'top'

Set where market/outcome button is positioned in cards (not applicable with cardVariant='button' and `cardVariant='buttonFooter')

ignoreAdapterValues boolean false

When set to true, team/market/outcome names displayed in cards are taken from SR data

capitalizeMarketNameAndOutput boolean false

When set to true, team/market name and outcome displayed in cards have first letters capitalized.

disableWidgetHeader boolean false

When set to true, hides widget header.

enableCollapse boolean true

When set to true, enables collapsing widget content (only applicable when disableWidgetHeader=false)

startCollapsed boolean false

When set to true, widget content is hidden on initial render (only applicable when disableWidgetHeader=false and enableCollapse=true)

numberOfCards number 15

Set maximum number of cards. Supported range is 1-20.

numberOfEvents number

Set maximum number of distinct events/matches displayed. Supported range is 1-20.

onItemClick OnItemClick Widgets.BetInsights.Integration.OnItemClick

Set a callback to run when the outcome is clicked. For more information check OnItemClick.

    (function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){a[e]||(i=a[e]=function(){(a[e].q=a[e].q||[]).push(arguments)},i.l=1*new Date,i.o=f,
    )})(window,document,"script","","SIR", {
        language: 'en'

    SIR('registerAdapter', '{ADAPTER_NAME}');

    SIR('addWidget', '#sr-widget', 'betInsights.tournament', {
         matchId: 10,
         onItemClick: function(target, data) {
             console.log(target, data);
<div id="sr-widget"></div>