Betting Entertainment Tools


For working Widgets you need a valid license. License is usually provided by our Sales Team. Please note: you can use Widgets on a local environment without a valid license.

During the integration process you may experience some of the common licensing errors. Those usually happens when you don't have a license for a specific product. First step is to check for a valid widget/sport/tournament license on your side. In need of further support please contact our Support Team.

There are 6 possible licensing errors.

T - Tournament Not Licensed

Tournament licensing error occurs when the matchId used to load the widget is a part of a tournament or sport that is not licensed for the used Client ID.

Tournament Not Licensed

W - Widget Not Licensed

Widget licensing error shows up when you are trying to load a widget that is not attached to any license.

Widget Not Licensed

D - Domain Not Licensed

Domain licensing error appears when you are trying to load one of our widget on a domain that is not whitelisted.

If domain is whitelisted and error still appears, we need to check if the Client ID used to load our widgets is correct one, and has correct domains whitelisted.

Domain Not Licensed

P - No Active License

Packages error means there is no order (package) in our back office.

No Active License

L - License has expired

Licensing error means there was an error parsing the licensing response. It usually happens when the browser is forbidden to access the licensing endpoint.

License has expired

F - Data not licensed

Feed license error appears when feed returns an unauthorized error.

Data not licensed