Betting Entertainment Tools

Live Match Tracker


Our Live Match Tracker visualises the game in real time across more than 20 sports. Features like graphically enhanced ball spotting and on-pitch animations bring the action to life.

For the widget to render you need to provide matchId, other properties are optional.

For smaller data transfer you can display only pitch by using Widgets.match.LMT where additional data representation such as standings, lineups, leaderboard etc. will not be shown. Its props can also be used on this widget.

Widget displays date/time in end user's local timezone (based on end user's operating system settings).

Name Type Attributes Default Description
props object <required>
matchId number | string <required>

Match ID.

disableWidgetHeader boolean true

When set to true, hides widget header.

disablePitch boolean

When set to true, hides pitch and fixes layout type to single.

layout string single

Determines type of layout. Valid values are single, double, topdown.

disableComponents boolean

When set to true, disables components part of widget when layout type is set to single.

momentum string compact

Determines type of momentum. Valid values are disable, bars, line, timeline

scoreboard string compact

Determines type of scoreboard. Valid values are disable, extended, compact.

scoreboardLargeJerseys boolean

When set to true, larger jersyes are displayed in scoreboard instead of normal size

collapseTo string disable

Determines inital collapse states. Valid values are disable, scoreboard, momentum, pitch

expanded boolean false

When set to true, the collapsed components will be initially expanded

tabsPosition boolean bottom

Determines position and display of navigation. Valid values are top, bottom, disable.

detailedScoreboard string all

Defines the content shown for subheader. Valid values are all, momentum, scoreDetails, disable.

activeSwitcher string momentum

Defines the default shown item in the subheader switcher. Valid values are momentum, scoreDetails.

ballSpottingVisibleLines number

Definition for max number of ball spotting lines. Valid values are integers.

tabs object

Definition for tabs that are displayed. See this Guide for valid values and structure.

activeTab string

Selects a specific tab in the widget. Valid values are pitch and all values used for props.tabs

oddsDeeplinkLabels object

An object of deeplinking labels.

deeplinkParams object

An object of deeplinking params.

timelineLeftRightLayout boolean false

When set to true, changes timeline component layout to display home/away - left/right (only for sport squash)

accessibilityEnabled boolean false

When set to true, widget web accessibility support is enabled. More information here.

accessibilityLiveRegionsEnabled boolean true

When set to true, live match track pitch live annunncer is enabled.

accessibilityHeadingLevel number 1

Accessibility aria headings level, valid inputs are numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6

branding object

Branding options and widget customization. More info in this guide.

onTrack function

Function/event handler, see Tracking options

props object <required>


disablePitchNoise boolean

Disables pitch noise which is used to generate the effect of grass

disablePitchStripes boolean

Disable pitch stripes

disablePitchOverlay boolean

Disables an overlay that highlights the pitch by adding slight dim to the borders of the pitch.

disablePitchSpotlights boolean

Disables marks on the most used parts of the pitch (corners, center, penalty) and gives more realistic feel

pitchBgImage string

Url to the custom pitch image.

pitchCustomBgColor string

Custom pitch color.

customBrandColor string

Custom brand color.

pitchBrandBgColor boolean

If true, it uses the theme's primary color for pitch background.

pitchLightStyle boolean

Enable modifications for light pitch images/colors (dark pitch lines, ...)

pitchLogo string

URL to a custom pitch logo.

pitchLogoForceCenter boolean

Forces the pitch logo to the center of the pitch for basketball, tennis, ice hockey, handball, snooker, kabbadi, volleyball, beach volleyball and badminton.

logo Array.<string>

Array of urls to branding logos, which appear in overlay carousel and in ball possession banner (live match). Accepts up to 3 images, for 3 responsive breakpoints, starting with the image for largest size. If only 1 or 2 images are provided, the last image will be used for the remainging smaller brekpoinst. In overlay carousel only 2 breakpoints are used, so it will take the 1st and 3rd image (or 2nd, if 3rd is not provided). Image will fill the banner height or 25% banner width, while maintaining image aspect ratio (like css background-size: contain), but not beyond image's natural dimensions.

logoLink string

URL to a page that opens when user click on the logo, Defaults to no link.

goalBannerImage string

Url to the custom goal banner image.

goalBannerCustomBgColor string

Custom color of banner image on Free Throws, Goal, Corner animation events.

flashLogoOnSlide boolean

If true, logo will appear for a short time on every slide change in overlay carousel. Otherwise it will only appear when slide's bottom banner doesn't have other content. Defaults to false

showOdds boolean

If true, odds will be shown during the match. Otherwise, we'll display probabilities.

disableDeeplink boolean

If true, odds deeplinking will be disable and odds will not be clickable. Only valid when showOdds is true. Defaults to false.

disableEventStats boolean

Disable statistics display on event

disablePitchTeamColors boolean

Used for American football, if set to true disables team colors

disableFooterStats boolean

Disable random footer statistics during live match

oddsDeeplinkLabels object

An object of deeplinking labels.

deeplinkParams object

An object of deeplinking params.

props object

LCO via LMT integration

jwt string <required>

Used for Live Channel Online (LCO) integration inside LMT. Instructions signed JSON Web Token. Needs to have 'av' within token scope.

streamToggle string <required>

Enables LCO content. Either onPitchButton or streamSwitchTabs, determines the type of button used for showing streams in LMT

disableStreamSwitchTabsTitle boolean

Enables a title beside the tabs switching between LMT and stream

activeStreamToggle string

Sets default selected view if streams are enabled. Valid values are: stream and tracker

streamMaxBitrate number

Sets the upper bitrate (quality) limit for video streams. Input value represents max allowed rate of stream transfer in bps (bits per second).
Some common values for guidance are as follows:

  • 250000 bps
  • 350000 bps
  • 550000 bps
  • 900000 bps (LCO HQ only)
  • 1400000 bps (LCO HQ only)
  • 2650000 bps (for eSports only)

streamAutoplay boolean true

If true, video stream will start automatically. Otherwise, video stream will be stopped on load.

streamContentVariant string

Determines type of video stream. Valid values are standard and augmented.

disableAugmentedStream boolean

Disable augmented video stream.
Note: If only augmented stream is available for selected match, this stream will still be displayed.

streamNotAvailableMessage string | boolean

Message to display instead of video player when stream is not available to the end user.
Video stream will not be loaded when this value is not empty. If set to true it will display a default "Login to watch" message.

streamNotAvailableBgImage string

URL of the background image that is displayed when video stream isn't available. Used either in combination with streamNotAvailableMessage or alone. Video stream will not be loaded when this value is not empty.

onStreamNotAvailableLogin function

When provided, a Login button is rendered next to the stream not available message or image. Serves as the event handler for that Login button. If not provided, the button will not be displayed. Used in combination with both streamNotAvailableMessage and streamLcpNotAvailableMessage (or their BgImage counterparts).

streamAllowFullscreen boolean false

If true, fullscreen toggle button is shown. Note: this is only applicable if current device is a mobile device.

streamMuteVideo boolean false

If true, video stream will be muted on start.

LCP via LMT integration

jwt string <required>

Used for Live Channel Promotion (LCP) integration inside LMT. Instructions signed JSON Web Token. Needs to have 'av' within token scope.

streamLcp boolean <required>

Enables LCP. LCP content as an overlay on the pitch.

streamLcpTimeline boolean

Enables LCP in timeline tab.

streamLcpNotAvailableMessage string | boolean

Message to display instead of video player when highlights aren't available to the end user.
Video stream will not be loaded when this value is not empty. If set to true it will display a default "Login to watch" message.

streamLcpNotAvailableBgImage string

URL of the background image that is displayed when highlights aren't available. Used either in combination with streamLcpNotAvailableMessage or alone. Video stream will not be loaded when this value is not empty.



<div id="sr-widget" data-sr-widget="match.lmtPlus" data-sr-match-id="match_id_here"></div>
<script type="application/javascript" src="" async></script>


    (function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){a[e]||(i=a[e]=function(){(a[e].q=a[e].q||[]).push(arguments)},i.l=1*new Date,i.o=f,
    )})(window,document,"script","","SIR", {
        language: 'en'
    SIR('addWidget', '#sr-widget', 'match.lmtPlus', {matchId: match_id_here});
<div id="sr-widget"></div>

JS/Programmatic - pitch only

    (function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){a[e]||(i=a[e]=function(){(a[e].q=a[e].q||[]).push(arguments)},i.l=1*new Date,i.o=f,
    )})(window,document,"script","","SIR", {
        language: 'en'
    SIR('addWidget', '#sr-widget', 'match.lmtPlus', {
        matchId: match_id_here,
        layout: "single",
        scoreboard: "disable",
        detailedScoreboard: "disable",
        tabsPosition: "disable"
<div id="sr-widget"></div>