Betting Entertainment Tools

Data Adapter


This type of integration offers more flexibility but does require more work on the client side. How and when you fetch data is up to you, we only expect that the data returned is in correct format.

  1. Widget will request data by executing functions provided to widget by DataAdapterProviderConfig parameter. Detailed flow of data can be seen in chart bellow.
  2. Widget will call getOffering function every 30s to update offering.
  3. Transform offering data to OfferingResponse format, them execute callback from getOffering function getOfferingCallback in order to pass data back to widget.
  4. Widget will call calculate function whenever selection within widget is updated.
  5. Calculate odds and remaining markets available for selection
  6. Transform calculated data to CalculateResponse format, them execute callback from getOffering function calculateCallback in order to pass data back to widget.
  7. When user clicks on "Add to bet slip" button, addToBetSlip function is executed.
  8. We recommend that you check if provided selection is still valid.
  9. If validation passed, add outcomes to your bet slip and execute addToBetSlip setting succeeded property to true.
  10. If you wish to reject adding selection, set succeeded property to false and add localized reason to be displayed in the widget.

Data flow chart

Custom views integration tutorial

For a comprehensive step-by-step guide on creating custom views for the Custom Bet widget using Data Adapter functions, check out the tutorial.
This tutorial will walk you through the process, making it easier to design and implement custom views.


Data Adapter Integration Example - for dataProviderConfig example check Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.DataAdapterProviderConfig

    (function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
      a[e] || (i = a[e] = function () {
        (a[e].q = a[e].q || []).push(arguments)
      }, i.l = 1 * new Date, i.o = f,
        g = b.createElement(c), h = b.getElementsByTagName(c)[0], g.async = 1, g.src = d, g
          .setAttribute("n", e), h.parentNode.insertBefore(g, h)
    })(window, document, "script",
      "", "SIR", {
      language: "en",
      oddsType: "eu" // eu, uk, us is accepted

    SIR("addWidget", ".sr-widget", "customBet", {
      matchId: 32015685,
      dataProvider: 'custom',
      dataProviderConfig: {
<div id="sr-widget"></div>

Type Definitions


# CalculateResponse

Name Type Attributes Description
cbMarkets Array.<CalculationMarket> Array.<Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.CalculationMarket> <required>

Array of available markets based on already selected outcomes

odds string

Calculated odds

error string

Error to be displayed instead of odds.

    cbMarkets: [
        // id: 267674245,
        id: '1',
        status: {
            isActive: true
        srMarket: {
            id: '1'
        outcomes: [
            // id: 619793109,
            srOutcomeId: '1',
            status: {
                isActive: true
            // id: 619793110,
            srOutcomeId: '2',
            status: {
                isActive: true
            // id: 619793111,
            srOutcomeId: '3',
            status: {
                isActive: true
    odds: '1.23'

# CalculationMarket

Name Type Attributes Description
id string | number
srMarket SRMarket Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.SRMarket

If you are using srMarket and srOutcome in OfferingResponse then provide this property

status Status Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.Status <required>
outcomes Array.<CalculationOutcome> Array.<Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.CalculationOutcome> | Array.<SRCalculationOutcome> Array.<Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.SRCalculationOutcome> <required>

If you are using srMarket and srOutcome in OfferingResponse then provide SRCalculationOutcome type.


# CalculationOutcome

Name Type Description
id string | number

Outcome id you are using in OfferingResponse

status Status Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.Status

# DataAdapterProviderConfig

Collection of functions used for commination between widget and client code. Examples can be found in corresponding type definitions.

Name Type Description
getOffering getOffering Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.getOffering

Function called to get market offering.

calculate calculate Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.calculate

Function called to get check for conflicts in selected markets, to get calculated odds for selection amd to get which markets are still available with current selection

addToBetSlip addToBetSlip Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.addToBetSlip

This function is called when the user clicks "Add to bet slip" button.


# Market

Name Type Attributes Default Description
id string | number <required>

Unique id for category

status Status Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.Status <required>
name string <required>

Market name to be displayed

fullName string

The full name of the market (usually for player markets) displayed in the tooltip on mouse hover.

outcomes Array.<Outcome> Array.<Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.Outcome> <required>

Array of outcomes for market

srMarket SRMarket Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.SRMarket

If given we will try to match it with recommended configuration

srAllowMultipleOutcomes boolean

Set to true if you wish to enable selection of multiple outcomes of this market. CAUTION: Using this setting might not work with custom bet

srMarketLayout 'list' | 'grid' | 'accordion' 'list'

Layout used to display outcomes

iconUrl string

Url to for custom icon of market

 id: oneXtwo,
 status: { isActive: true }
 name: '1x2',
 outcomes: [{ id: 1, status: { isActive: true }, name: 'Luton Town' }, ...]
 srMarket: { id: '1' }

# MarketCategory

Name Type Description
id string | number

Unique id for category

name string

Category name

cbCategoryItems Array.<string> | Array.<number>

Array of market ids for category.


 id: 1,
 name: 'Top Markets',
 cbCategoryItems: ['3way_market_UniqueId', 'doubleChance_market_UniqueId', ...]

# MarketMapping

Market mapping is configuration object that combines multiple markets into one view.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
id string | number <required>

Unique id for market mapping and market

status Status Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.Status <required>
name string <required>

Displayed market mapping name

marketList Array.<string> | Array.<number> <required>

Array of market ids to be combined in this view.

cbViewLayout 'row' | 'tabs' 'tabs'

Layout used to display markets listed in marketList

srHideHeader string

If set to true it will hide either column or row header depending on the layout

iconUrl string

Url to for custom icon of market


# OfferingResponse

Name Type Attributes Description
markets Array.<Market> Array.<Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.Market> <required>
matchName string

If provided it will replace '{teams.home} vs. {'teams.away'}' derived from teams prop. If nether is present only product name will be displayed.

teams object
home string <required>

Home team name

away string <required>

Away team name

marketCategories Array.<MarketCategory> Array.<Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.MarketCategory>

Required if you are not using sr ids. If provided it will also replace default settings for category.

metaMarkets Array.<MarketMapping> Array.<Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.MarketMapping>

Market categories (metaMarkets) group markets together.

    teams: {
        home: England,
        away: Germany
    markets: [
            "id": 267674427,
            "status": {
                "isActive": true
            "name": "Exact goals",
            "outcomes": [
                    "id": 619793849,
                    "status": {
                        "isActive": true
                    "name": "0",
                    "srOutcomeId": "sr:exact_goals:5+:1336"
                    "id": 619793850,
                    "status": {
                        "isActive": true
                    "name": "1",
                    "srOutcomeId": "sr:exact_goals:5+:1337"
                    "id": 619793851,
                    "status": {
                        "isActive": true
                    "name": "2",
                    "srOutcomeId": "sr:exact_goals:5+:1338"
                    "id": 619793852,
                    "status": {
                        "isActive": true
                    "name": "3",
                    "srOutcomeId": "sr:exact_goals:5+:1339"
                    "id": 619793853,
                    "status": {
                        "isActive": true
                    "name": "4",
                    "srOutcomeId": "sr:exact_goals:5+:1340"
                    "id": 619793854,
                    "status": {
                        "isActive": true
                    "name": "5+",
                    "srOutcomeId": "sr:exact_goals:5+:1341"
            "srMarket": {
                "id": "21",
                "specifiers": "sr:exact_goals:5+"

# Outcome

Name Type Attributes Description
id string | number <required>

Outcome unique id

status Status Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.Status <required>
name string <required>

Outcome name

cbColumn string

If present we will sort the outcomes in the given column, srOutcomeId will be ignored

srOutcomeId string

Sportradar outcome id


Outcome 'Other' will bi placed in draw column:

 id: 'cs_other',
 status: { isActive: true }
 name: 'Other',
 cbColumn: 'Draw'
 srOutcomeId: '324'

# SRCalculationOutcome

Name Type Description
srOutcomeId string

Sportradar outcome id

status Status Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.Status

# calculate(args, callback)

Name Type Description
args CalculateArgs Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.CalculateArgs
callback calculateCallback Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.calculateCallback
function calculate(args, callback) {
    // Args parameter has data needed to call CustomBet calculate api.
    // Parse and convert calculate api response.
    callback(undefined, dataObject]

# calculateCallback(error, data)

Name Type Description
error CBError Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.CBError | string | undefined

Error object or UOF forwarded xml as string.

data CalculateResponse Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.CalculateResponse

# getOffering(args, callback)

Name Type Description
args MatchArgs Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.MatchArgs
callback getOfferingCallback Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.getOfferingCallback
function getOffering(args, callback) {
    // Get and convert data
    callback(undefined, dataObject]

# getOfferingCallback(error, data)

Name Type Description
error CBError Widgets.CustomBet.CustomBet.CBError | string | undefined

Error object or UOF forwarded xml as string.

data OfferingResponse Widgets.CustomBet.DataAdapter.OfferingResponse