Betting Entertainment Tools


A headToHead.standalone brings match head to head statistics and betting suggestions.

For the widget to render you need to provide matchId.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
props object <required>
matchId number <required>

Match ID

layout string <required>

Head to head layout to be used. Possible values are grid and inline. Defaults to grid.

disableScoreboard boolean false

Enables/disables scoreboard. Defaults to false.

disableScoreboardTeamColors boolean false

Enables/disables scoreboard team colors for NFL, MLB, NHL and NBA. Defaults to false.

statisticsEnableSeasonStats boolean true

Enables/disables season stats Statistics. Defaults to true.

statisticsEnableMatchStats boolean

Enables/disables match stats Statistics. Pre-match will display season stats.

gamePulseIconVersion number 1

Changes the icon in the gamePulse component. Valid values are 1, 2 or 3.

s5ClientAlias string

Statistics client alias override.

enableShowMore boolean

Enable "more" link button with S5 statistics link.

gamePulseIconSet Object

Used to set custom match pulse icons. Value for each icon should contain URL pointing to the desired icon.

All 5 icons have to be provided using the following pattern:

iconSet: {
    veryLow: 'URL_to_your_image_file',
    low: 'URL_to_your_image_file',
    medium: 'URL_to_your_image_file',
    high: 'URL_to_your_image_file',
    veryHigh: 'URL_to_your_image_file'
components array

Definition for components that are displayed. See this Guide for valid values and structure.



<div id="sr-widget" data-sr-widget="headToHead.standalone" data-sr-match-id="21514521"></div>
<script type="application/javascript" src="" async></script>


    (function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){a[e]||(i=a[e]=function(){(a[e].q=a[e].q||[]).push(arguments)},i.l=1*new Date,i.o=f,
    )})(window,document,"script","","SIR", {
        language: 'en'
    SIR('addWidget', '#sr-widget', 'headToHead.standalone', {matchId: 21514521});
<div id="sr-widget"></div>