The CustomBet Widget comes with a default market order for each sport.
It is possible to adjust the market display and order in the 'main' category, as well as highlight featured items in other categories by displaying them first.
All available markets can be found here.
When adding the widget to a page, two optional props are available for customization:
- mainMarkets: An array of market IDs to display in the 'main' category,
- categoryFeaturedItems: An array of market IDs to display first in other categories.
mainMarkets: ['30', 'awayTotalCorners', '47'] // Display these markets/views in the 'main' category.
categoryFeaturedItems: { // Display these markets/views first in the 'match' and 'teams' categories.
match: ['46', 'cornerRange', 'oneXtwo'],
teams: ['homeTotalCorners', '30']