- Tab Settings
- CSS Selectors
- Tabs Used Per Widget
- List of All Tabs And Default Icons
- Integration Example
Our Widgets are using Tabs component which can be customized to some extend by specifying additional settings in SIR
function when adding a widget.
Tab Settings
For styling av tab switcher you need to use branding namespace avTabSwitcher
These are tabs related widget props:
Name | Type | Description |
option | string |
An option to change how tab content is rendered. Possible values are: iconText - content of the tab is an icon with text.icon - content of the tab is only an icon.text - content of the tab is only a text. |
variant | string |
Force tabs to occupy all horizontal space or not. Possible values are fullWidth and standard .
align | string |
Change the horizontal alignment of your tabs. This setting applies when variant is set to standard .Possible values are: start - tabs are left-aligned.center - tabs are centered.end - tabs are right-aligned. |
iconPosition | string |
Display icon before or after tab text. This setting applies when option is set to iconText .Possible values are start and end .
icons | object |
Apply custom icons to tabs.
List of available tabs per widget can be found in Tabs Used Per Widget section.
arrowIcon | string | Path to your image file. |
useClientTheming | boolean |
Disables srt classes and applies .srct- classes for custom styling.List of applied classes is available in CSS Selectors section. |
CSS Selectors
When useClientTheming
setting is enabled (set to true
), base styling is removed and CSS classes for custom styling are applied to tab elements. These are available css classes:
CSS Class | Description |
.srct-tabs | Styles applied to the tabs wrapper element. |
.srct-tab | Styles applied to the tab wrapper element. |
.srct-tab__content | Styles applied on the container of tab icon, text label and tab indicator elements. |
.srct-tab--active | Styles applied to active tab. |
.srct-tab__indicator | Styles applied to the tab Indicator. |
.srct-tab__indicator--active | Styles applied to the active tab indicator. |
.srct-tab__arrow | Styles applied to the arrow element. |
.srct-tab__text-label | Styles applied to the text label of the tab. |
.srct-tab__icon | Styles applied to an icon in the tab. |
Tabs Used Per Widget
Different widgets are using different tabs. Below is a list of available tab ids for specific widget.
Widget | Tab IDs |
Live Match Tracker |
statistics, detailedStatistics, headToHead, standings, timeline, lineups, boxscore, probabilities, pointByPoint, scorecard, leaderboard, avStream.
Live Match Tracker has an option to set widget layout with layout prop.If layout is set as single another tab for pitch is visible.Pitch Tab Ids: pitchBadminton, pitchBaseball, pitchBasketball, pitchBeachVolleyball, pitchCricket, pitchDarts, pitchFutsal, pitchHandball, pitchHockey, pitchAmericanFootball, pitchRugby, pitchSnooker, pitchSoccer, pitchSquash, pitchTableTennis, pitchTennis, pitchVolleyball, track (formula). |
Match Preview | matchInfo, leaders, lineups, standings, teamStats, leaderboard, playerProfile, ranking. |
Tournament Preview | overview, leaders, results, standings, teams. |
Head To Head | headToHead, form, teamStats, teamstatsmatch, lastMatches. |
List of All Tabs And Default Icons
Tab ID | Matching Icon |
statistics / teamStats | |
headToHead | |
standings | |
timeline / plays | |
lineups / roster | |
boxScore / scorecard | |
overview / matchInfo | |
cup / playoffs | |
form | |
teams | |
leaders | |
leaderboard | |
facts | |
ranking | |
pointByPoint | |
probabilities | |
results / lastMeetings / lastMatches | |
playerProfile | |
driverStandingsF1 | |
teamStandingsF1 | |
pitchDarts | |
pitchAmericanFootball | |
pitchBadminton | |
pitchBaseball | |
pitchBasketball | |
pitchBeachVolleyball | |
raceInfoF1 | |
pitchFutsal | |
pitchHandball | |
pitchHockey | |
pitchRugby | |
pitchSnooker | |
pitchTableTennis | |
pitchTennis | |
pitchVolleyball | |
pitchSquash | |
pitchSoccer | |
avStream |
Integration Example
For integration example we will take a look on how to customize tabs for Match Preview widget.
This will be our end result for tabs:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Match Preview Tabs Configuration</title>
.sr-widgets {
max-width: 620px;
width: 100%;
/* tabs */
.sr-bb .srct-tab {
background: #ac1a2f;
color: #fff;
/* active tab */
.sr-bb .srct-tab--active {
background: #fff;
color: #ac1a2f;
(function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
a[e] ||
((i = a[e] =
function () {
(a[e].q = a[e].q || []).push(arguments);
(i.l = 1 * new Date()),
(i.o = f),
(g = b.createElement(c)),
(h = b.getElementsByTagName(c)[0]),
(g.async = 1),
(g.src = d),
g.setAttribute('n', e),
h.parentNode.insertBefore(g, h));
})(window, document, 'script', 'https://widgets.sir.sportradar.com/sportradar/widgetloader', 'SIR', {
theme: false,
language: 'en'
SIR('addWidget', '.sr-widget-1', 'match.preview', {
matchId: match_id_here,
branding: {
tabs: {
// tabs settings
useClientTheming: true,
option: 'iconText',
iconPosition: 'start',
variant: 'standard'
namespaces: {
avTabSwitcher: {
tabs: {
align: "end",
icons: {
"avStream": "https://widgets.sir.sportradar.com/docs/img/logo.svg"
useClientTheming: true
<div class="sr-widgets">
<div class="sr-widget sr-widget-1"></div>